Trelis 16.5가 출시되었습니다.
Trelis 16.5에서는 Meshing, Geometry, Graphics, Utilites 등 최신 기능이 업데이트 되었습니다.
1. Updated Meshing Alorithms
Triangle Meshing Improvements - The self-intersection prevention algorithm for triangle meshes has been
enhanced, especially on curved thin areas.
- Mesh quality has been improved when sizing is chaotic
- Volume gradation performance has improved
- More robust triangle meshing of discrete geometry
Tetrahedral Meshing Improvement - The gradation, minimum size, and maximum size are handled better making it
possible to generate a coarser
mesh than previous versions as the gradation increases.
- Improved memory management decreasing crashes
2. Enhanced Lite Meshing
'Lite' mesh elements introduced in the previous version have some additional functionality, including: - When hitting 'n' in the graphics window the listing now includes Lite elements - More functions for highlighting and drawing Lite elements - The Model Tree icon will change for blocks, sidesets, and nodesets when Lite
elements are contained
1. Easy Access to More Power Tools
The ITEM Wizard contains many tools that are useful for defeaturing models or otherwise preparing a model for meshing. The most popular tools have been exposed as command panels making them easier to access and enabling their use in a custom tool bar. - Remove Small Features - Check Meshability - Check for Blend Surfaces - Manage Gaps and Overlaps - Manage Imprint and Merge - Force a Sweep - Suggest Source and Target Sweep Surfaces - Suggest Decomposition Solutions
2. New CubitInterface Command: Remove Blunt Tingencies
A new command and command panel was added to remove blunt tangencies. This command works on areas where tangencies cause very small elements and small time steps. See Help for more information. Command: blunt tangency vertex [remove_material] [angle ] [depth ] [preview]
Graphics, Utilities, etc.
1.Enhanced Graphics Pipeline Performance
- The graphics subsystem was upgraded to VTK 8.0, using OpenGL2. - Rendering speed has increased anywhere from 4 times to 100 times, depending
on the model being rendered. - Memory usage is roughly the same as in previous versions of Trelis, although
memory management has improved.
2.Other Miscellaneous Changes
- Added ability to add a force on a node or face - When selecting a material on the model tree, users can now assign that material
to a block or edit the material using a context menu. - Added ability to perform a quality check on a block. - When importing or exporting Gambit Neutral File, users must now use the
keyword 'neutral'. Otherwise, a .dbs file will be assumed. - Users can now stitch surfaces that contain composites - The ITEM Wizard is now its own docking window. - The 'create surface from curves' command is more tolerant of sloppy geometry. - Added a new function the CubitInterface. double
evaluate_exterior_angle_at_curve ( int curve_id, int volume_id)